On June 22, 2022, an Online Conference was held between the Administration of the Foreign Languages Institute of Moscow State Pedagogical University and the Uzbekistan State World Languages University.

During the online meeting, the parties discussed the prospects for bilateral cooperation, such establishment of scientific and academic exchange between UzSWLU and IFL on educational, research and cultural relations, the implementation of joint educational projects, the participation of professors, teachers, students and masters in international scientific conferences.

The meeting was attended by the director of the Institute of Foreign Languages, Ph.D. Prof. E.G. Tareva, Director for Scientific Affairs Doctor of Philological Sciences, Prof. L.G. Vikulova, Head of the Department of International Relations of the Institute Doctor of Philological Sciences, Prof. T.N. Bokova, Head of the Department of International Relations Ph.D, Associate Prof. A.S. Dzhanumov, Head of the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Prof. E.I. Cherkashina.
On the part of UzSWLU, Vice-Rector for International Relations A. Abidjanov, Dean of the Faculty of Roman and Germanic Philology A. Khalillaev, Head of the Department of International Relations Sh. Alimova and Head of the Department of French Language of Applied Sciences Z. Davranova attended the online meeting.